

Monday 5 September 2016

and the Universe continues to speak to me ....

National Geographic DVD Photo of the Day: Whitetail Deer, Arkansas by Jeff Rose:

Today's Message from Neale Donald Walsch:

On this day of your life
Lavina, I believe God wants you to know...

...that you have only just begun to discover your

This period of your life marks a New Beginning. You
can feel it. And you have only just begun to know the
treasure and the glory of You. And you have only just
begun to make your Real and Lasting Contribution.

So step into this day with zest and zeal! Go now and
give your gift. We're all waiting for you. And we need
the wonder of Who You Are.

Love, your Friend ...       

Why is this so significant for me?  Its because I have been feeling this in every cell of my Being!!  I even wrote about it here today **. I felt such a strong compulsion to write early this morning, and I did.  Words like "New Dawn", "New Beginning" are causing my Soul to pulse with deep anticipation. I felt this phase so deeply from the beginning of this year and I was waiting. Perhaps it was my intuition beginning to develop itself, or my deepest heart desire becoming manifest. Whatever it may be, I'm doing good!! I know I am doing something right and I am so open for the best to happen which is to be in a state of Deep Peace and Pure Joy no matter what happens in my life.  Everything is welcome. I want to GROW more and more.


Friday 2 September 2016

the big white elephant

Feat of clay: Gazelles keep their distance from this elephant in Namibia whose colour is down to dried white clay because of having a bath at a watering hole:

Sometimes all it requires is to remove the big white elephant that is blocking your view to a vaster landscape of beauty.  The big white elephant can be anything that does'nt seem to be creating any value in your life.  Remove it and you will actually feel and sense freedom and you will wonder why you never thought about it earlier.  

The truth is we never think about change till the discomfort of the status quo is almost crushing us. It is also very possible that we do not even think or imagine that we can actually change a situation because it appears to be there by default.  But look closely at your life on the outside and you will find all the obstructions to your being YOU has always been right in front of you but since you have gotten used to looking at a dead end, you forgot there's scenery behind the elephant!

For me the big white elephant has been those interactions and connections that have neither created nor added value to my life. I have had to let them all go.  No regrets. All are forgiven.  All can move on with no obligation whatsoever. Once I started giving myself permission to do what I needed to do at the risk of so-called loss in every area of my life, I found the courage and committment to start a new path of change.  Change is always constant. It is necessary to stir up a storm at times, to shake things up a bit, to stir the pot, so to speak.  

Says Colette Baron-Reid, Spiritual Teacher, Psychic and Writer: 
"Not all storms are destructive. Rather, they serve nature by bringing rain to the ground and wind to the trees, enabling seeds to be widely distributed and continuous growth to be ensured." 
Change is always good any which way you look at it.


Tuesday 30 August 2016

healing my anger ... one person at a time ....

Discover how you can increase your intuition with this simple exercise.:

We are living in a world where we enjoy so much freedom and yet there are so many of us who are afraid to speak out the real truths that lie buried deep within our consciousness.  I am not just talking about spiritual truths but the truth of our own lives - what is acceptable to us and what is not.

I have lived most of my life being bold, but not in the way that mattered and counted the most.  I was very bold fighting for the underdog, trying to save other people, coming down hard on the bullies, but when it actually came to what was really hurting me, as an individual, I could'nt speak.  Usually, I waited till the suppression limit overflowed itself and then the dam would burst!!!  Anyone who knows me closely, knows this to be the case. Everything would come out as a barrage of anger, bitterness and resentment.  I was afraid to speak because of hurting other people's feelings.  But dealing with my emotions was a painful process.  I used to cry so much.  Till I discovered all of my chronic pains stemmed from repressed anger. And then I decided to do something non medical about it.  I started my own brand of inner healing.

Anger is a monstrous animal.  You become sub-human and animalistic in your thoughts and behavior.  Some people pride themselves for their anger and believe it is "self righteous". I know I did! But anger is anger and it cannot be romantacized or glamorized or be called any other name. There is tremendous energy involved and that amount of energy can be channelised to create a huge space within.  Imagine an energetic earthquake taking place within resulting in a wide gaping hole ... wow! ... the amount of space that would be available to make new Self discoveries would be phenomenal!!

Everyone has their own personal technique to use and heal.  Mine is distance.  I move away completely in the opposite direction because I need space. Lots of space. The replay of events go on for a period of time and I allow it to do so till the memory of it fades away. Forgiveness is the key.  I forgive myself for believing all of these perceptions about myself. I forgive others too not for them, but for myself. It makes me feel at peace.  And when I feel I am safe to come back to "civilisation", I begin to break down the barriers one by one.  At some point I follow it up with some kind communication so that I see it through to the end. Every issue has to have a closure. And then I am done.

As I always love to say, I am a work in progress.  I feel a lot less angry and everyday I am dealing with what was my most natural response in the past, by changing its direction and course.  One person at a time.

Tuesday 23 August 2016

Prayer for Inner Peace

Into Your Presence I come Dear God to start my day and nourish my life.

I open my heart to You Dear God and let Your Presence fill my being. In your Presence I am peaceful, poised, confident and strong. I relax in Your loving care Dear God and release all my cares to You knowing that You are upholding and sustaining me in all that I do.

As I keep my heart and mind centered on You Dear God, I feel Your peace infusing my entire being and keeping me secure and serene.

To You Beloved God I release all sense of turmoil and restlessness, nervousness, fear, anger and impatience.

In the comfort of Your Presence I am content, fearless, peaceful, calm and centered.

Beloved, Sweet God, Your Presence calms me and quenches my parched Soul.

Into Your Presence I do come.


Sunday 21 August 2016

Spiritual Abundance

Pink diamond:

Many years ago I had decided to buy myself a fabulous diamond ring (not the above one!).  When I wore it, I felt pretty prosperous and wealthy for sometime ... and then I forgot I was wearing one ... and soon I forgot I owned one though I still have it with me.  My mother mourned my "ignorance" and said I had no "value" for the good things in life!!

Life is Abundant no matter how I look at it .... just like the multifaceted diamond .... nothing can make a dent in a spiritually abundant life. Value lies within. 

~ Lavina ~ 

Friday 19 August 2016

Creative Freedom


It is not complicated, it is quite simple. You create what you think, amplified by your heart felt emotions; attracting to you the mirror of you.:

Consciousness is what one needs to have the human experience on this planet.  Everything rises and falls in consciousness. Everything is born, lives and dies in consciousness.  The kindest act of love I have been nourishing myself with is to break away from world beliefs and norms.  I do not believe I was created to simply go round and round on the karmic wheel.  I was made for more. Much more. We were all made for more. We are Creators.  We have untold freedom to create, build, replenish, restore and live peaceful lives. Focusing on everything that keeps the human spirit moving and growing into its spiritual nature is what we were created for. And the more we align with Super Consciusness, the more help we get in creating that which our Soul would have us create. As I begin to use my mind more consciously, I find myself moving away from that which is not enhancing me in any way.  I don't reject anything.  I just bless it to carry on with its own path, while I move on with my own.  I want my consciousness to move towards purity and Super Consciousness.  Every moment is an opportunity to do just that. Never mind what anyone else believes or says.  We each have freedom to experience life exactly as we desire.

Creating consciously,

~ Lavina ~

Thursday 18 August 2016


 Empowering thought for the day:
 It is not necessary to prove yourself to anyone.